
Our Purpose

The purpose and mission of Abundant Harvest Baptist Church shall be to labor by the help of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit, to carry out the great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ as stated in Matthew 28:18-20, and elsewhere. 

To this end, every member are urged to take the gospel of salvation to the lost, personally and representatively. 

Converts shall be instructed as to their duty to confess Christ by baptism (immersion in water), and taught in matters of Christian conduct, Bible study, church attendance, personal soul-winning, tithes and offerings, faithfulness to Christ, and any other areas of instruction deemed necessary to their spiritual prosperity and growth. This shall be further facilitated through the holding of regular and special church services.

Abundant Harvest is established with the objective


The bible uses several pictures to describe the church. One of these pictures is a marriage between a man and woman. The local church is called the bride of Christ, indicating the close union between Christ and his people. Abundant Harvest’s first goal is that people would be introduced to Christ and come to know Him in a close and personal relationship. The goal is not that people would know about the Lord Jesus Christ, but that people would know Christ.


Jesus made it clear in His word that He wants a pure and spotless bride. He wants a bride that is developing and growing in spiritual maturity, and becoming more like him. Your local church, ought to be a place where people are coming and growing together, corporately as a unit, they are growing into the image of Christ. They are becoming more like Him. Growth in Christ likeness is our second goal. Our pastor’s heart is focused at strategically working at cultivating, developing, and leading the church family into Christ likeness.


As we develop and mature to be more like Christ, we should be able to see it as it unfolds. We should be able to step back and see it happening and know that we are hitting the target or that we are moving towards the target of Christ likeness. Measuring Christ likeness is in one way a challenging task. Yet, in another way, it is something that can be identified and shown to others.


For example: 

Is the church a forgiving church? 
Jesus taught us the principle of forgiveness and humility. 

Is the church a giving church? 
Jesus exemplified giving. 

Is the church a teaching church? 
Jesus Christ was the greatest teacher that ever walked on this earth. 

Is the church a serving church? 
Jesus said that he did not come to be served, but to serve others.

Abundant Harvest is in the trenches on the front line of ministry in Kingsland, serving God, leading people to know Christ, disciplining young Christians to grow, and leading our church family to show Christ likeness to the community.

To inspire people to have a heart towards God.
To include people into our fellowship.
To instruct people in Biblical truths. 
To involve people in ministry.
To impact our community.

Abundant Harvest Baptist Church

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